Burlap Celebrates 3rd Birthday

Burlap Celebrates 3rd Birthday

As Burlap is soon to be celebrating it’s 3rd birthday, we are so thankful for this wonderful opportunity to meet the best shoppers (and now friends).  We constantly hear that when they step into the boutique, BURLAP is truly their retail therapy.  We believe we offer the BEST customer service ever as we seriously have the coolest and most fun staff we could have wished for, or could it be the free coffee/hot cocoa bar??  🙂  Our local makers compare to little elves – constantly working on projects and ideas to send our way.  Their hand crafted treasures are what sets us apart from other boutiques.  Our motto is ….if you see something you love, you better buy because it will not be here next time you stop in!  Our design team is none-the-less underrated.  They very graciously swoop in every Monday and transform the showroom floor to feature new product and vintage finds. If you want to know a secret, Tuesdays at 10:00 am would be the best time to shop before everyone else finds out what is new.  Shhhhhhhhh!!!!